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Smart Regions 3.0 Conference: “Transforming through Smart Specialisation” 2nd Day

Smart Regions 3.0 Conference: “Transforming through Smart Specialisation”

2nd Day: Wrapping up key messages from the various parallel sessions and round table discussion w/ EU DGs: Flexibility for interregional collaborations and interregional innovation investments. Prioritizing development of skills. Increase capitalization of Knowledge and research results at EU level. New generation of RIS3 platforms. Linking innovation ecosystems.

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Smart Regions 3.0 conference in Brussels. 1st day

Smart Regions 3.0 conference in Brussels. 1st day: Opening session with an inspiring speech by Dominique Forey and a very interesting panel, focused on Smart Specialization.

Enthusiastic participation and networking.

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Participation in the Interreg MAESTRALE

Participation in the Interreg MAESTRALE Final Conference “Blue Energy in the Mediterranean area: visions and opportunities for a sustainable future”.

ECOMODO 2019, Rimini, IT

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Third day of the EU Regions & Cities Week in Brussels

Third day of the EU Regions & Cities Week in Brussels, with the active presence of consultants from the Innovation Center of Attica Region.

Enthousiasm, participation, discussions, networking

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